
Saturday, October 14, 2006

why are models so thin?why do designers make clothes for women that look like boys?why are the "women"in magazine ads always so young?my what a vain & fickle society we live in.does your outward appearance really have anything to do with the person you are inside?why do toy makers market such sexist dolls to girl children?you know the hoochie mama ones i mean.maybe everyone should have plastic surgery so they can all look the exact same way.i think ,us,women should celebrate our differences and besides if i didn't look like i do then they wouldn't look so good now would they?and don't get any ideas about how i look.i'm not so bad.i don't want my daughters to grow up thinking all they are is boobs,long ,pretty hair,beautiful face ,skinny body,etc.people focus on your good qaulities,like kindness,compassion,generosity,faith, who you are is not what you look like but how you treat others.


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